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  • President's Message - Alicia Canzanese, DPM
  • AAPSM 2024 Stand Alone - Falsh Sale!
  • Call for Golden Foot Award Nominations
  • 2024 Student Scholarship Opportunities
  • Members in the News
  • Special Olympics Update
  • Student Chapter Update
  • Young Member Mentor Program
  • Social Media
  • Welcome New Members
  • Welcome New Student Members
  • Dates to Remember

President's Message - Alicia Canzanese, DPM

“It’s Gonna be May”

If April showers Bring May Flowers, what do May flowers bring.... youth sports!

Now that the weather is getting nicer, more children are participating in organized youth sports! 

At certain times throughout the year, usually toward the middle-end of the Fall and spring sports season, I will start seeing upticks in patients with Sever’s Disease.  When these youth athletes come in, it is very common for them to report playing on a year-round travel soccer team (sometimes multiple different teams concurrently) and then also playing on the school soccer team in the fall, Basketball team in winter, and baseball in the spring!  While youth sports participation has many short and long term physical and mental health benefits, if kids are pushed into over-participation, overtraining, and early sports specialization it increases their risk of negative health effects such as increased rated of overuse injury, burnout, and they can become less likely to continue active lifestyles into adulthood.  

I’m sure, just like I have, many of you have had difficulties with the conversation between kids, parents, coaches, and/or sports organizations when there is a youth athlete who is injured and either over-participation or early specialization is the obvious cause from a doctor’s standpoint.  The difficulty of the conversation being having the families actually take your instructions and information to heart.  The struggle sometimes is the youth sports organizations themselves, especially the ones that seem to almost function like a pyramid scheme, promising kids more playing time only if they join this team before they can do this other team, before they can travel, have to pay for this skills summer camp, and told if they don’t do all of those steps then it will be hard to get recruited to play in college. 

As we are treating kids with overuse injuries, here are some important points to discuss...

2024 STAND ALONE - Flash Sale!
September 27-29, 2024 - Downtown Columbus, Ohio

Memorial Day Flash Sale!
Register Today! Sale Ends June 3, 2024

2024 AAPSM Stand Alone Meeting - "Best Sports Medicine Meeting in the Country"
Renaissance Columbus - Downtown Columbus, OH - September 27-29, 2024

AAPSM Fellow $450.00 (USD)
AAPSM Member $500.00 (USD)
Non AAPSM Member (includes 1 year AAPSM membership) $600.00 (USD)
Residents & Fellows in Training $250.00 (USD)
Students *** $200.00 (USD)

*** Contact Rita Yates at for registration assistance for up to 4 students.
Students awarded registration assistance would be expected to assist with
on-site meeting duties (registration, av, etc.). Deadline August 15, 2024.

Any questions, please reach out directly to Elizabeth, our AAPSM Meeting planner, at

For more details - head over to our Stand Alone Web Page

Online and Phone Reservations for the Marriott are now Being Accepted

We have secured a great room rate of $149.00. To reserve your room now, please click the link below.

A dedicated booking website has been created so members will be able to make, modify and cancel their hotel reservations online, as well as take advantage of any room upgrades, amenities or other services offered by the hotel.

To view the website, please click the following link:

Exhibitor Registration

Exhibit space will be very limited at this facility and is being offered on a first-come-first-served basis.
We currently have 10 table top booths left for exhibiting.


$2,600: Standard Rate

Click here for our 2024 Exhibitor Packet (PDF)


2024 Exhibitors

We hope to see you in Columbus, OH in September!

Call for Golden Foot Award Nominations

Nominations are now being accepted for the John Pagliano Golden Foot Award to be presented during our 2024 Stand Alone Meeting at the Renaissance Columbus Downtown in Columbus, Ohio. Members are urged to submit their nominations in writing to Executive Director Rita Yates at no later than July 1, 2024. Include name of nominee along with a brief summary of their role in podiatric sports medicine care of athletes or promoting physical fitness.

Listed below is a brief description of the award. For any questions or concerns, please contact Rita at

John Pagliano Golden Foot Award:

This award is presented to DPM/non-DPM for educating the public on the importance of physical fitness and the role of podiatric sports medicine in the care of the athlete


AAPSM Past Presidents Team Up for $600 Original Research Scholarship!

The American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine is pleased to announce that AAPSM Past President Lloyd Smith, DPM has teamed up with AAPSM Past President Gary Gordon, DPM’s for a student scholarship opportunity.  A lucky student will be awarded a $600 Original Research Scholarship!

The requirements for this scholarship are simple.  Write an original research paper that provides analysis, interpretation and argument based on in-depth independent research on a sports medicine topic of your choice.

Original research papers are similar to academic essays, but they are normally longer and more detailed – designed to assent not only your writing skills but also your skills in research.  Please demonstrate strong knowledge on sports medicine, engage a variety of sources and make an original contribution to the debate.

Please submit your original research paper to Rita Yates, AAPSM Executive Director, at  Deadline for submissions will be August 15, 2024.  The winner will receive a check for $600 along with having their original research published in an upcoming AAPSM Newsletter.  All entries will have the opportunity to also appear in the AAPSM Newsletter.

Any questions please contact Rita Yates at

Don’t forget this additional opportunity for students to offset cost of
registration at upcoming AAPSM Stand Alone Meeting:

The AAPSM will award up to 4 Robert M. Barnes, DPM Memorial Scholarships to  AAPSM Student Chapter Members.  Scholarships will include full payment of registration to attend the Stand-Alone Meeting September 27-29, 2024, at the Renaissance Columbus Downtown Hotel in Columbus, Ohio.  Scholarship recipients must pre-register for the meeting.  Scholarship is open to all members of our AAPSM Student Chapters.

AAPSM Student Scholarship Recipients agree to:

  • Be available to assist with registration check-in 6:30 –7:30 am on Friday and Saturday morning (badge handouts, sign in reminders, etc.). 
  • Assist participating exhibitors with morning runs on Friday and Saturday morning – 6:15 am Friday and Saturday mornings.
  • Assist with daily sign in sheets required for cme verification.
  • Check in with exhibitors during breaks – make sure they have what they need as far as booth set up (electricity, shipping and receiving).
  • Work with Social Media Chairman regarding on site meeting posts and possible You-Tube/TikTok/Instagram/Facebook videos to promote meeting.
  • Assist on site AV tech with any technical issues – including set up and display of any submitted posters.
  • Assist with workshop check in, room set up, etc.
  • Assist speakers with any av questions regarding pre-loading their lectures, etc. 
  • Assist with Friday night reception check in (transportation if necessary)
  • Any additional tasks assigned by Executive Director, Rita Yates or Meeting Planner, Elizabeth Seifert - to assist with on-site meeting needs.

Scholarship Criteria:

  • Must be an active AAPSM Student Chapter member at their podiatry college and demonstrate contributions to the chapter.
  • Volunteer at events and promotes the AAPSM (fun runs, screenings, etc.)
  • Interested in assisting AAPSM with social media contributions, submitting articles for newsletters, etc.
  • Extracurricular activities demonstrate awareness and commitment to the AAPSM’s  mission statement, such as community service, school leadership and/or other student involvement, etc.
  • Must validate an interest in podiatric sports medicine in a maximum 500-word essay with emphasis on the importance of sports medicine in choosing their career and training, and how they plan to contribute to the field upon completion of their training.

All scholarship submissions are due to AAPSM Executive Director Rita Yates – - by August 15, 2024.  Scholarship Recipients will be notified via email no later than August 31, 2024.   Scholarship includes full meeting registration to the AAPSM stand-alone meeting.

Members in the News

AAPSM Past President Appointed Team Podiatrist!

Congratulations to AAPSM Past President and Fellow Alex Kor, DPM who will be serving as the Indianapolis Alleycats Team Podiatrist!   The Alleycats are an ultimate frisbee team! Furthermore, Hendricks Regional Health has come aboard as a sponsor. Dr. Kor has graciously donated his time and efforts to help their players. He plans to attend the majority of their home games!

AAPSM Past President Discusses
What Makes a Good Nurse's Shoe

AAPSM Past President Robert Conenello, DPM doesn’t typically recommend padding-heavy stability or motion-controlled shoes, especially for nurses who often move in a side-to-side motion and require mobility.   Considering a 12-hour shift can feel like a marathon, it makes sense for nurses to prioritize comfort when choosing work shoes. However, more cushioning isn’t necessarily better. Dr. Conenello says. “A super-plush sole can actually work against you if you’re constantly stumbling over it.”

Also, keep in mind what works for you when you’re fresh out of nursing school may not be your ideal shoe later in your career. Not only do shoes change, but nurses change, Dr. Conenello says. “As they get older, their feet change. They might change in size. Their mobility and flexibility change because they don’t do as much as they used to. They might sit more as they progress in their career,” he says. Don’t be afraid to experiment with new brands and models, especially if you’re no longer as comfortable as you once were. 

Read the full article here.

Also Dr. Conenello stated that moisture-wicking materials draw sweat away from your skin and transfer it to the outer layer of the sock. This helps them dry quicker without irritating your skin or causing a fungal infection. Dr. Conenello says that if your shoes are well-ventilated, you’re much less likely to have sweaty feet and associated problems like athlete’s foot and toenail fungus. If your feet need a little extra help, Dr. Conenello says, “soaking your feet in saltwater or using astringents, like tea tree oil, can aid in drying them.” These liquids draw moisture out of your skin, making your feet less likely to sweat. Fill a bowl or basin with tepid water, then add 1/2 cup Epsom salt or 5 to 10 drops of tea tree oil and soak your feet for 10 minutes. In a rush? Use a blow dryer to dry between your toes. Dr. Conenello says this is an easy and effective way to maintain dryness. 

Read the full article here.

AAPSM Past President Attends Honorary Surgeons Dinner

AAPSM Past President Rob Conenello, DPM is very proud to serve the brave members of the NYPD. He recently attended the Honorary Surgeons Dinner- a gala event that affords the NYPD Police Surgeons and Honorary Police Surgeons an opportunity to gather and meet with members of the Department and the medical community.

AAPSM Fellow Ben Pearl Discusses Sock Technology

AAPSM Fellow Ben Pearl, DPM recently put together information on the evolution of sock technology.  Click here to read the full article.

AAPSM Presents at Region 3

Special thanks to current AAPSM President Alicia Canzanese, DPM along with AAPSM Fellow Missy Journot, DPM for presenting a sports medicine track at the Region 3 meeting held Wednesday, May 1 in New Jersey.  The AAPSM presented an afternoon sports medicine track at the 75th Annual Region 3 Meeting.  Dr Canzanese spoke on Updates on the treatment of "Shin Splints" and the importance of intrinsic foot musculature and Dr Journot lectured on Peroneal Tendon pathology and finished off the session with Hallux Limitus!

AAPSM President and Past President Featured Experts

AAPSM President Alicia Canzanese, DPM was recently featured as one of the experts in a New York Times Article on Foot Odor! Please check out the full article here.

Also, AAPSM Past President Rob Conenello, DPM was one of the contributing experts in an article about diabetic footwear!  Please check out the full article here.

Special Thanks to Members

The AAPSM would like to extend a big thank you to all of those who were on hand and participated in our PRESENT lecture series held virtually May 4 and 5. The reviews were great.  There were over 200 participants, and our hope is to continue this format every 6-8 months.

Special Olympics Update

California Special Olympics

Special thanks to all the volunteers at the Special Olympics Healthy Athletes Fair held on May 4 in Pleasant Hill, California. It was a Star Wars theme for the day! May the 4th be with you!! AAPSM Fellow and Past President Tim Dutra, DPM received an award for his many years of service as the Clinical Director for the Healthy Athletes Fit Feet Program. Over 200 athletes were screened during this event through the Healthy Athletes Program.

Volunteers needed in June for New Jersey special Olympics Fit Feet!!

Georgia Special Olympics

Global Clinical Advisor and AAPSM Past President Jay Spector, DPM is pictured with his Fit Feet volunteers from the Georgia Special Olympics State Games held at Emory University on May 25, 2025. Hundreds of foot screenings were performed on Healthy Athletes.

Special Olympics Arizona

Back in late April, Special Olympics, Arizona, held their Summer Games.  Besides the competitions, Healthy Athletes was on hand to provide a variety of health screenings that included FIT FEET.  Students of the Arizona College of Podiatric Medicine participated in the screenings, etc. Huge thanks to all those who volunteered to put this together.

Special Olympics Florida

Under the direction of Marc Colaluce, DPM, AAPSM student chapter members from Barry University School of Podiatric Medicine participated in Special Olympics screenings at Disney’s Wide World of Sports.  On day one over 400 athletes were screened.  Thanks to all those who volunteered.

AAPSM NY Student Chapter Volunteers at
Special Olympics Long Island Spring Games

Members of the AAPSM Student Chapter at the New York College of Podiatric Medicine were on hand at the Long Island Spring Games for the Special Olympics New York.  Free health screenings and education was provided to Special Olympics athletes, their families, and coaches.  As volunteers, the students assisted in performing physicals, biomechanical exams, gait exams, and shoe/sock evaluations for the athletes.

Congratulations to AAPSM Past President Dave Jenkins, DPM!

AAPSM Past President along with 2 of his former students, now Residents, Kenzie Schlangen and Brandon Winski had their article, "Podiatric Conditions Observed in Special Olympics Athletes: Contrasting Data from a USA versus an International Population", published in the journal THE FOOT.  Read complete article at:  Podiatric conditions observed in Special Olympics athletes: Contrasting data from a USA versus an international population - ScienceDirect

Student Chapter Update

Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine

Congratulations to Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine. The AAPSM Student Chapter/Sports Medicine Club won 2024 Club of the Year. Thanks for being so active. Keep up the great job! 

CCPM Elects Officers

Congratulations to all the newly elected AAPSM student chapter officers at the California College of Podiatric Medicine.  We look forward to working with you over the next academic year!!

AAPSM Young Member Mentor Program Needs You!

The American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine is pleased to report that our Young Member Mentor Program (YMMP) has been a success!  Mentors and Mentees have been sharing knowledge and expertise.

Additional information on the AAPSM YMMP:


The AAPSM recently formed a Young Member Mentorship Program (YMMP) and it is up and running and we need your help!  Thanks to the many AAPSM Fellows representing at the various podiatry schools, the demand for mentors exceeds our volunteers.  Watch this newsletter for exciting ways to give back and be rewarded!

As we mentioned in previous newsletters, the YMMP is a voluntary program intended to foster a cooperative one-on-one relationship between a young/new podiatric professional interested in pursuing a sports medicine practice with an experienced AAPSM Member in good standing.  We need you to become a mentor! 

Mentees can be AAPSM Student Chapter Members currently enrolled in a college of podiatric medicine, resident members, or members in their first 5 years of practice.

The Mentor would be a current AAPSM member (with at least 5 years of professional experience and within 5 years of retirement) with a vested interest in sharing their sports medicine knowledge, and “paying it forward” as a role model to the young member... 

Social Media

As we start the new year, just a reminder of how important social media has become - especially in our day-to-day lives.  The AAPSM would like to provide our members with a custom format featuring the AAPSM logo for any member wanting a branded PowerPoint template.  Also included are slides with social media contact information featuring our social media “handles”.

There are 3 formats – 1) PowerPoint custom template format: if an AAPSM member wants to download the link and save as it as a general design template in Microsoft for future use; 2) PowerPoint slideshow so members can just download and edit once; 3) the social media handles saved as a JPEG so members can put into their own presentation as a picture!

Also, if AAPSM members are speaking at a meeting that doesn't already have its own required template feel free to use ours.

For meetings like the APMA meeting where there is a required template, members can at least copy and paste the social media part of our slide 

Are you on social media?  So is the AAPSM!

Please Follow the AAPSM on the following platforms:

Facebook @AAPSM “Your Foot and Ankle Sports Medicine Specialists”
Twitter @AAPSM1
Instagram @_aapsm_
TikTok @_aapsm
Youtube Channel: @AAPSM

We would love to share content from our students, members, and fellows!

If you are on Instagram please Tag, @mention, or DM the account and we can share your content!

Content we are looking for: achievements, event participation, sports medicine education, research findings, new studies, upcoming sports medicine education events!

If you have any content, you want shared but are not on Instagram please email the Social Media committee at!

Welcome New Members

Welcome New Student Members

The American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine would like to welcome the following new members who have recently joined the AAPSM:

Brad Lilly, DPM*
Allentown, Pennsylvania

Timothy Hanna, DPM
Louisville, Kentucky

Nicholas Brissey, DPM
Bloomington, Illinois

Tiffany Cerda, DPM
Miami, Florida **

* reinstated

The American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine would like to welcome the following new student members who recently joined the AAPSM:

Julianna Sabile
CCPM at Samuel Merritt
Class of 2027

Maria Torrealba
Barry University School of Podiatric Medicine
Class of 2027

Dunia Aguila
Barry University School of Podiatric Medicine
Class of 2027

Dates to Remember

August 8-11, 2024

American Podiatric Medical Association National Meeting
Washington Convention Center/Marriott Marquis
Click here for more information!

September 27-29, 2024

Columbus, OH
Click here to register!
Click here for more information!

November 18-19, 2024

PFA Symposium
Austin, TX
For more information!

New Balance

Our G.R.E.A.T. Team of Corporate Partners

Altra Running   Brooks   CuraMedix   HOKA   New Balance

Please note that members' email addresses will be shared with our GREAT Corporate Sponsors.
If you prefer not to have your email address shared please "OPT OUT" by contacting
AAPSM Executive Director Rita Yates at

AAPSM Executive Board

Alicia Canzanese, DPM

2285 Cross Road
Glendside, PA  19038
(215) 887-5910
Vice President:
Clint Laird, DPM
17835 Murdock Circle, Suite B
Port Charlotte, FL  33948
Melissa Journot, DPM
1036 SW Ayrshire Drive
Lees Summit, MO 64081
Elizabeth Bondi, DPM
Mayo Clinic- 200 1st Street, SW
Rochester, MN  99204
Immediate Past President:
Michael Donato, DPM

195 Falcon Drive
Fredericksburg, VA 22408
(248) 689-5125
Executive Director:
Rita J. Yates
3121 NE 26th Street
Ocala, FL  34470

Past Presidents

  • Robert M. Barnes, DPM
  • Richard S. Gilbert, DPM
  • John W. Pagliano, DPM
  • Steven I. Subotnick, DPM
  • Harry F. Hlavac, DPM
  • Edward J. Kent, DPM
  • Raymond E. Stidd, DPM
  • Gary M. Gordon, DPM
  • Jeffrey F. Yale, DPM
  • Michael W. Heaslet, DPM
  • Paul M. Taylor, DPM
  • William L. Van Pelt, DPM
  • Lloyd S. Smith, DPM
  • Gary L. Rippberger, DPM
  • Richard L. Blake, DPM
  • Roy B. Corbin, DPM
  • Mark E. Julsrud, DPM
  • Jeffrey A. Ross, DPM
  • Michael K. Lowe, DPM
  • Phyllis A. Ragley, DPM
  • Thomas E. Shonka, DPM
  • William R. Olson, DPM
  • Richard T. Bouche’, DPM
  • Perry H. Julien, DPM
  • Patrick J. Nunan, DPM
  • James M. Losito, DPM
  • Douglas H. Richie, Jr., DPM
  • Stephen M. Pribut, DPM
  • Timothy G. Dutra, DPM
  • Matthew B. Werd, DPM
  • Bruce E. Williams, DPM
  • David Davidson, DPM
  • Karen Langone, DPM
  • James Yakel, DPM
  • Robert M. Conenello, DPM
  • Paul R. Langer, DPM
  • David Jenkins, DPM
  • Alex Kor, DPM
  • Amol Saxena, DPM
  • Maggie Fournier, DPM
  • Howard Osterman, DPM
  • James Ratcliff, DPM
  • Joseph Agostinelli, DPM
  • Jay Spector, DPM
  • Michael Donato, DPM
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