“Survey says…” I’d like to start out by saying as an AAPSM Board member and current President, I feel it is important to keep the organization vital, growing and fiscally sound. I also want to carry forth the vision and wishes of our members. Many have been asking for a name change for different reasons. ABPS changed to ABFAS and APMA is also considering a name change to include “Foot and Ankle”. We have other groups like ACFAS and ACFAOM. The most common reason for a name change however, is to be more inclusive; that was the theme of this year’s Joint Commission on Sports Medicine and Science. I want to be clear; I call myself a Podiatrist. We do have other foot and ankle specialists involved and who want to be more involved with AAPSM who are not podiatrists. Why not include and engage them? It would grow the group, could attract potentially more sponsors and generate more research, which are both always more beneficial...
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AAPSM Past President Rob Conenello, DPM (far right) oversees his Special Olympics Fit Feet Team during the Special Olympics New Jersey event held recently at the College of New Jersey. Thanks to this hard-working team of volunteers, over 450 Special Olympian athletes were screened over two days.
Congratulations to the nearly 2,500 athletes who participated in the Special Olympics New Jersey Summer Games. Special appreciation to Oofos Sandals who donated a pair of recovery sandals to all the athletes that were screened!

The AAPSM would also like to recognize AAPSM Past President Rob Conenello, DPM wo was recently honored by Special Olympics for this continued devotion to Fit Feet.
AAPSM and DCPMA Team up at Special Olympics

(L-R) Dr. Jay Seidel, Rachel Tuer, and Dr. Howard Osterman
The American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine (AAPSM) and the District of Columbia Podiatric Medical Association (DCPMA) member Howard Osterman, DPM along with volunteers Rachel Tuer (Maryland State Coordinator for Special Olympics) and Jay Seidel, DPM participated in the Maryland Special Olympics event held in Towson, Maryland. This marks the 45th annual event with over 1,500 athletes participating.
AAPSM Members Participate in Charity Run
American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine (AAPSM) Fellow David Levine, DPM along with Fellow Howard Osterman, DPM and members of the Foot and Ankle Specialists of the Mid-Atlantic participated in the 2nd annual Frederick Summer Solstice Twilight 8K run directly benefiting Blessings in a Backpack – a non-profit organization.

(L-R) Drs. Howard Osterman, Betsy Rosenthal, Gina Saffo, David Levine, David Freedman, Mike Tritto, Jen Bell, and Casey Friske
Blessings in a Backpack mobilizes community, individuals, and resources to provide food on the weekends for elementary school children across America who might otherwise go hungry. Over 240 runners participated in this year’s event, raising over $14,000 for the charity. AAPSM Fellow Lee Firestone, DPM was one of the top finishers.
AAPSM Past President Provides Advice About Buying Running Shoes
Wearing the right shoes for the right activities doesn’t just help your feet; it also prevents serious leg and hip problems. AAPSM Past President Alex Kor, DPM, gives advice on how to choose the best shoes for you. "Before buying a shoe, I recommend testing it to see if it bends by placing one hand on the heel, one on the toe box and trying to bend the shoe, or holding the heel in place and pressing the toe down on the floor. If it collapses, it is too flexible and will not support your foot correctly. I recommend buying shoes in person rather than online for this reason."

Dr. Alex Kor
"Brand names don’t matter when it comes to athletic shoes. What does matter is fit, stability and — for serious athletes — having multiple pairs. I worked with a runner who regularly ran marathons. She developed plantar fasciitis and wasn’t sure of the cause. We discovered that she had bought the same four pairs of shoes (same brand, style and size). But while three pairs didn’t bother her, one aggravated her feet when she wore them. It turned out this pair had a flexible shank, while the others had stiff shanks," says Kor.
AAPSM President Qualifies for 2018 World Duathlon Championships

Amol Saxena, DPM
Current AAPSM Amol Saxena, DPM along with his wife Karen and several patients qualified for the 2018 World Duathlon Championships by virtue of their places at the 2017 National Championships held recently in Bend, Oregon. Dr. Saxena had two patients take 1st place and all eight on their team qualified in various age groups.
AAPSM Represents at USA Track & Field Championships
Amol Saxena, DPM, current American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine (AAPSM) President and his Fellow, Dede Hofer, DPM were part of the medical team volunteering care for the National USA Track and Field Championships in Sacramento, led by director Tony Mikla.

(L-R) Ted Forcum, DC, Amol Saxena DPM, Tony Mikla, DPT, Dede Hofer, DPM
The team saw everything from blisters to Achilles and plantar fascia ruptures, and delivered soundwave treatments when needed. Primary care sports physicians, PTs, DCs, and massage therapists completed the team. It was an opportunity to educate them on the role a podiatrist plays in treating elite track and field athletes.
AAPSM Members participate in ACFAP 2017 Pediatric Foot & Ankle Conference
The American College of Foot & Ankle Pediatrics (ACFAP) hosted its Annual conference at the Atlantic Oceanside Resort in Acadia National Park June 8-10, 2017. The conference featured a National Park outing combined with exceptional CME lectures, workshops, and interactive debate panels on such important topics as the pediatric flatfoot.

Back row (L-R) Drs. Patrick Agnew, Russell Volpe, Matt Werd, John Grady, Ed Harris, Frank Santopietro; Jason Kraus, Dr. Nick Bolognini Front row (L-R) Drs Marc Benard, Phil Bresnahan, Patrick DeHeer, Louis DeCaro, Jason Miller, Nick Pagano, Tracey Toback; Roberta Nole
AAPSM Associate and President of ACFAP and conference organizer, Dr. Louis J. DeCaro stated, “Over 100 doctors from around the world, as far as Indonesia, proved the conference to be both a national and international success. What they experienced was priceless: dedicated enthusiastic speakers, engaged attendees, supportive sponsors, hands-on workshops, and an overall sense of commitment and camaraderie to the advancement of pediatric foot & ankle education.” ACFAP 2018 will be held at the Snake River Lodge & Spa in Jackson Hole, WY, May 31-June 2, 2018 featuring two national parks (Yellowstone & Grand Tetons).
AAPSM Fellow Discusses Insurance Coverage for Bunions
You love those high-heeled shoes, but your feet don't. Now you have a bunion—a painful bony bump on the joint at the base of your toe which pushes one toe against another, sometimes even causing the toes to overlap, and inevitably causing considerable pain. Bunions are also unsightly, but that's beside the point when it comes to insurance coverage. According to AAPSM Fellow Josef J. Geldwert, DPM in New York, "more health insurance companies will cover a bunion procedure than you may think. It all depends on the circumstances present."

Dr. Josef Geldwert
If you have bunions and assumed your insurance wouldn't cover their removal, you might be pleasantly surprised to find that many insurance companies provide coverage when bunions are associated with pain and functional limitations.
TX Podiatrist Presents Workshop at ACSM Meeting
Jeffrey Ross. DPM, AAPSM Past President and fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), presented a workshop with the assistance of Bill Burns from Tekscan - entitled "Examination of the Foot and Ankle, Injuries, Gait and When to Return to Play" at this year's American College of Sports Medicine meeting in Denver Colorado. After the presentation Dr. Ross attended the ACSM's American Fitness Index 10th Anniversary program, celebrating a decade of activity moving America to better health with the release of the 10th annual AFI Data Report. Ross served for 12 years as Texas Governor Rick Perry's Co-Chair of the Governor's Advisory Council for Physical Fitness. The Council helped to organize and jump-start Mayors' Wellness Councils across the State of Texas.
AAPSM Fellow featured in Washington Post
Lisa Schoene, DPM and AAPSM Fellow from Illinois was recently quoted in a dance article "Pain, Satin and paper towels: What it takes for ballerinas to dance on their toes" in the May 26, 2017 edition of the Washington Post.
AAPSM Member states: Constrictive Shoes Contribute to Kinetic Chain Problems
AAPSM Member Ray McClanahan, DPM says, “If you’re an active adult American, you are slowly maiming your feet — and by extension, the rest of your body.” He points out that bunions don’t exist where people don’t wear constrictive shoes. A bunion, in fact, is not a bone issue but “a progressive dislocation of the big toe joint.”

Dr. Ray McClanahan
The implications of this dislocation are significant. When your toe is pushing inward, you can’t form your arch properly, and you lose foot strength and balance as a result. This then leads to problems up the chain, in the knee and hip. “If you can’t stabilize your foot, you can’t prepare for propulsion,” McClanahan says. “Your brain senses that, and it is not going to let other prime movers do their jobs, because it realizes the foundation is not stable enough to do that.”
AAPSM Members Lecture at UK's Premier Podiatric Biomechanics Seminar
AAPSM Member Kevin Kirby, DPM spoke recently at the UK’s premier podiatric biomechanics seminar, Biomechanics Summer School. Other lecturers included James Woodburn, PhD (UK), Luke Kelly, PhD (Australia), Benno Nigg, PhD (Canada), and AAPSM honorary member Simon Bartold(Australia), and James Moore (UK). The seminar was attended by 130 podiatrists, orthopedic surgeons, and physiotherapists from the UK and Europe.

(L-R) Drs. Kevin Kirby, James Woodburn, Luke Kelly, Benno Nigg; Simon Bartold, and James Moore
Lecture and workshop topics included plantar intrinsic muscle function, longitudinal arch-load sharing system, latest 3D printing technologies for orthoses and shoes, foot and hip strengthening techniques, tissue stress-based clinical exam techniques, treating elite sports athletes, biomechanics of plantar plate tears, and new running biomechanics paradigms.

It’s once again official!! The American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine and ElliptiGo, Inc. have once again teamed up to offer AAPSM members the opportunity to participate in a raffle for an ElliptiGO ARC. Experience the fun and comfort of elliptical cycling on the ElliptiGO Arc, ElliptiGo’s newest and lightest elliptical bike. With eight gears, a sleek aluminum frame and compact elliptical stride, the Arc not only provides a fantastic low-impact workout experience, it also gives you the ability to cruise comfortably, sprint off the line quickly, and climb steep hills. Take your fitness and fun outdoors with the ElliptiGO Arc! Proceeds of the raffle will benefit the Robert Barnes, DPM Memorial Scholarship. Suggested donation $10 per ticket or 3 tickets for $20.00. Winner does not need to be present to win and the ElliptiGO will be shipped to the winner. Watch this enewsletter and social media for additional. Please email Rita Yates at ritayates2@aol.com to purchase raffle tickets or go on our website at www.aapsm.org and purchase tickets through Paypal. Raffle ticket stubs will be sent to those purchasing raffle tickets on line. For information on ElliptiGO, Inc. and their products please visit their website at www.elliptiGO.com.

September 14-16, 2017
The American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine is pleased to announce that it will be teaming up with the Illinois Podiatric Medical Association (IPMA) for another outstanding annual meeting. The meeting will be held at the Loews Chicago O'Hare Hotel. Make plans to join us for this meeting where top sports medicine physicians from around the country will be presenting state of the art lectures and workshops...
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Tentative Schedule >>
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The American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine would like to announce some exciting things that are happening to the AAPSM! With our 50th Anniversary right around the corner (2020) we are moving forward with a media push to promote our mission statement. The following tag line will be used in upcoming promotions -- American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine –Your Foot and Ankle Sports Medicine Specialists. We feel this tag line will provide an even greater presence and be more inclusive to those specializing in the lower extremity.
We would also like to announce a current bylaw amendment...
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With our 2017 American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine/Illinois Podiatric Medical Association Alliance Meeting just months away, we wanted to put out an official call for cases for an interesting workshop taking place on Thursday, September 14, 2017.
The workshop – headed by AAPSM Fellow John Grady, DPM – will feature difficult heel pain cases. If you would like to participate in this workshop – which will be limited to the first 35 registrants but will be offered twice – we urge you to send to AAPSM Executive Director Rita Yates a 4-5 PowerPoint slide presentation outlining your case. We are only accepting a limited number of cases to discuss due to time restraints. Priority will be given to the earliest submissions or what might be deemed difficult cases.
Deadline for submitting slides/cases for consideration will be August 15. Send your information to Rita Yates at ritayates2@aol.com. Look forward to seeing you in September!
The American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine announces the 2017 award recipients to be presented on Friday, September 15 at our Alliance Meeting to be held at Loews O’Hare Hotel in Chicago, Illinois:
- Robert Barnes Distinguished Service Award - Michael Chin, DPM
- President’s Award - Robert Anderson, MD
- John Pagliano Golden Foot Award - Dathan Ritzenhein
- Outgoing President - Alex Kor, DPM
The American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine would like to personally congratulate all our members who were recently included in Podiatry Management selection of America’s Most Influential Podiatrists. This list is very diverse and ranges from well-known legends to up-and-coming superstars. These podiatrists represent a cross-section of the country and some of the brightest lights in the profession. The following links contain the names and a brief CV of those selected...
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As a service to our AAPSM Members, we are providing a list of organizations and events that may need to include a sports medicine podiatrist. Although we have no formal relationship with these groups, we encourage you to contact an organization or an event in your community, and request information or ways to become involved. In addition, if you know of additional events, please contact Rita Yates, and we will post here on our website. You should be aware that the specifics and parameters of your participation is dependent on the organizer's or group's requirements, and your qualifications. The AAPSM is not help responsible for your involvement or lack thereof...
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AAPSM President Amol Saxena, DPM continues his educational tour and discusses podiatric sports medicine with members of the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine/Arizona School of Podiatric Medicine-Mid Western University Student Chapter. Dr. Saxena - wanting to be known as the "education president" has been on a mission to visit as many of the podiatry colleges that he can to give them information on the AAPSM and sports medicine.
Current Fellows of the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine listed in State order. Please contact Rita Yates at ritayates2@aol.com with any questions or concerns regarding this listing...
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The American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine would like to welcome the following new members who have recently joined the AAPSM:
Jonathan Deming, DPM
South Bend, Indiana
Ryan Rogers, DPM
Chesterfield, Michigan
Kyle Wamelink, DPM
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Ty Hussain, DPM
Chicago, Illinois
Kyle Gauld, DPM
Ontario, Canada
Rose James, DPM
Atlanta, Georgia
Andrew Schwartz, DPM*
Lima, Ohio
Peter Crisologo, DPM*
Dublin, Ohio
Padhma Venkitapathy , DPM*
New York, New York
*Resident member
The American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine would like to extend a warm welcome to the following new student members from College of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery – Des Moines University (DMU):
Nicholas |
Garcia |
Matthew |
Guetzlaff |
Jorge |
Amaro |
Brianna |
Hensley |
Matthew |
Sieloff |
Alexander |
Standiford |
Ian |
Richter |
Alexander |
Tokarski |
Austin |
Hansen |
Reva |
Bork |
Rachel |
Egdorf |
Ryan |
Prusa |
Melinda |
Martin |
Peter |
Cunningham |
Victoria |
Knauf |
Michael |
Bouchard |
Jake |
Eisenschink |
Vincent |
Lefler |
Daniel |
Wilkes |
Rachelle |
Leveille |
Elizabeth |
Burns |
Bradley |
Jimerson |
Brittany |
Nino |
Todd |
Sautter |
Leng |
Xiong |
Pavel |
Filipov |
Clinton |
Heyer |
Vahe |
Matnishian |
Jesseka |
Kaldenberg |
Bennen |
Bierman |
Kelsie |
Effrein |
Nicholas |
Fifelski |
Arshila |
Merchant |
Alexander |
Schultz |
Michael |
Wolfe |
Hannah |
Abigail |
Candice |
Snider |
Evan |
Lenertz |
Stephen |
Rockhill |
Jacqueline |
Russo-Beynon |
Jacob |
Harder |
Syeda |
Kazmi |
Sean |
Hayes |
Alex |
Bischoff |
Todd |
Mitchell |
Zachary |
Bliek |
Jeffrey |
Gorenshtein |
Alena |
Kelly |
Briana |
Gebert-Oberle |
Blake |
Savage |
Be sure to follow the AAPSM on Facebook and Twitter!!

The American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine serves to advance the understanding, prevention and management of lower extremity sports and fitness injuries. We believe that providing such knowledge to the profession and the public will optimize enjoyment and safe participation in sports and fitness activities. We will accomplish this mission through professional education, scientific research, public awareness and membership support.
The AAPSM is pleased to once again offer members the opportunity to renew their membership online.
AAPSM members are able to renew their membership by visiting the AAPSM website at www.aapsm.org and follow the link. It’s a quick and easy way to pay your dues and stay informed! Major credit cards along with PayPal are accepted.
For additional information, please feel free to contact AAPSM Executive Director, Rita Yates, at ritayates2@aol.com.
Also, it is imperative that, if you would like to receive electronic correspondence from the AAPSM (enewsletter, updates, etc.), you provide an updated e-mail address.
- Robert M. Barnes, DPM
- Richard S. Gilbert, DPM
- John W. Pagliano, DPM
- Steven I. Subotnick, DPM
- Harry F. Hlavac, DPM
- Edward J. Kent, DPM
- Raymond E. Stidd, DPM
- Gary M. Gordon, DPM
- Jeffrey F. Yale, DPM
- Michael W. Heaslet, DPM
- Paul M. Taylor, DPM
- William L. Van Pelt, DPM
- Lloyd S. Smith, DPM
- Gary L. Rippberger, DPM
- Richard L. Blake, DPM
- Roy B. Corbin, DPM
- Mark E. Julsrud, DPM
- Jeffrey A. Ross, DPM
- Michael K. Lowe, DPM
- Phyllis A. Ragley, DPM
- Thomas E. Shonka, DPM
- William R. Olson, DPM
- Richard T. Bouche’, DPM
- Perry H. Julien, DPM
- Patrick J. Nunan, DPM
- James M. Losito, DPM
- Douglas H. Richie, Jr., DPM
- Stephen M. Pribut, DPM
- Timothy G. Dutra, DPM
- Matthew B. Werd, DPM
- Bruce E. Williams, DPM
- David Davidson, DPM
- Karen Langone, DPM
- James Yakel, DPM
- Robert M. Conenello, DPM
- Paul R. Langer, DPM
- David Jenkins, DPM
- Alex Kor, DPM
• |
Amol Saxena, DPM
Palo Alto Foundation Medical Group
Dept. of Sports Medicine
3rd Floor Clark Building
795 El Camino Real
Palo Alto, CA 94301
Office: (650) 853-2943
Fax: (650) 853-6094
• |
Maggie Fournier, DPM
1754 Snowflake Place
Onalaska, WI 54650
(608) 797-6010
• |
R. Clint Laird, DPM
18735 Murdock Circle, Suite B
Port Charlotte, FL 33948
(941) 624-6300
• |
Howard Osterman, DPM
1720 Eye Street NW, Suite 402
Washington, DC 20006
(202) 331-9727
• |
Immediate Past President:
Alex Kor, DPM
1635 North Water Street
Suite 524
Milwaukee, WI 53202
(414) 955-7225
• |
Executive Director:
Rita J. Yates
3121 NE 26th Street
Ocala, FL 34470
(352) 620-8562
(352) 620-8765 – fax